Draft 2024 Salinas Active Transportation Plan
The City of Salinas Active Transportation Plan will update the 2002 Bikeways Plan and 2004 Pedestrian Plan and will provide a roadmap for future improvements for walking and bicycling in Salinas, including sidewalks, intersection improvements, bicycle facilities, and trails.
The City of Salinas Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is a compilation of the 2018 Salinas Active Transportation Needs Assessment, the 2022 Safe Routes to School Plan and other current planning work. It provides systematic, interactive community engagement, focusing on critical agency stakeholders as well as disadvantaged communities. The ATP includes a community supported set of implementable active transportation improvements that will encourage active modes of transportation and increase safety for all. The ATP also include strategies to improve bicycle and pedestrian connectivity and safety by expanding the existing bicycle network, improving pedestrian circulation, reducing vehicle trips, creating complete streets, and building a healthy and livable community.
Public input has been the foundation of the planning process which has been gathered through community outreach events, public meetings, and online comments. We invite the public to provide feedback on the DRAFT ATP by visiting the website: http://letsmodo.org/planning-safe-streets/salinas/. Deadline to share your opinion is Friday, August 30, 2024.
The final plan is expected to be completed in fall 2024 and will be used to guide future investments and to help the City secure grant funding for project construction. This project is funded by a Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning Grant through Caltrans and SB1, as well as local matching funds.
Written comments may also be emailed no later than September 24, 2024, to Gerardo Rodriguez, Assistant Engineer at transportationdivision@ci.salinas.ca.us write “Draft 2024 Salinas Active Transportation Plan” in the subject line of the email.
For more information, please call (831) 758-7421 or e-mail Grant Leonard or Gerardo Rodriguez at grantl@ci.salinas.ca.us and gerardo.rodriguez@ci.salinas.ca.us, respectively. Hearing impaired or TTY/TDD text telephone users may contact the city by dialing 711 for the California Relay Service (CRS) or by telephoning any other service providers’ CRS telephone number.